What to Expect
Bold Remedial Conversations
What are Bold Remedial Conversations?
Bold Remedial Conversations℠ address:
Incivility and Disrespect
Leadership Indiscretions
Ineffective and Inappropriate Communication
Ineffective Conflict Resolution Approaches
Bold Remedial Conversations℠ result in:
Agreements on Actions for Change
Corrected Behaviors
Issue Solving
Improved Leadership and Employee Interactions
Stronger Retention, Recruitment, Reputation
Bolder, Better Organizations, Leaders, and Employees
Bold Remedial Conversations℠ advance awareness, personal and professional growth, and skills development in individuals. They call out the behavior and promote understanding of its impact on others and the organization. Bold conversations result in commitments to take action toward meeting identified goals through accountability, which is essential for a successful resolution.
Bold Remedial Conversations℠ can be one-on-one or involve multiple individuals and groups. They can be just one conversation or a series, customized to result in a meaningful outcome for all involved.